----\n» [[Home|TrueStart]] » [[Cybernetics: A Primer|CyberneticsIntro]]\n----\n<<replace "TL;DR">>Your usual Cybernetics affair, similar to CP2020 but toned down.\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "A Brief History of Cybernetics">> ''A Brief History of Cybernetics''\n\n[>img[http://i.imgur.com/6JJfD3K.png]]''Everyone's Scared''\nNuclear war came, and went. Food riots, a staple of the evening newscasts. Crime rates, back on the rise. Two recessions in a row, paired with the death of the global Internet, further crippled the world's economies.\n\nNobody felt safe anymore. Buy a gun, hide your kids, hire a guard, build an underground shelter, vote republican.\n\nIn the last 20 years, paramilitary forces have gone from being niche and rare to commonplace. In countries where the government was seen as bureaucratic nightmare, like the U.S., police forces have been all but scrapped, substituted by private enterprises. In the more iron-fisted countries, such as Korea or the U.K., the police are now another wing of the armed forces.\n\nThe market adapts to this rather quickly, with defense contractors branching out, and warfare start-ups springing up overnight. This isn't about the fastest plane or the toughest tank, it's about turning your average joe into a Terminator on a tight budget.\n\n[>img[http://i.imgur.com/3nhReSq.jpg]]''It's All About the Wetware''\nThe market's knee-jerk reaction is to try to computerize everything. Autonomous taser robots! Weapons with targeting systems! \n''NOPE''\nNobody trusts computers anymore. The push-back movement is slow but mounting. It's not full-blown [[Luddism|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddism]], but people get this nebulous fear of autonomous computers doing things on their own. They want humans to be involved at every important step, physical safeguards against another CLAIRE.\n\nAs a result, the research money mostly shifts into human augmentation and electronic interfacing.\n\n<<replace "Datajacks">>''Datajacks''\nAn unfortunate accident involving an [[ECoG|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocorticography]] device with a stripped wire lead to discovery of a reliable input/output interface with the human brain. This technology, which was not licensed by its "inventor" as part of the wrongful death settlement, was picked up by every major research institution for ways to cash in.\n\nAt first, getting an I/O port on the back of your head involved invasive surgery and a 70% survival rate, but eventually it was miniaturized down to an outpatient surgical procedure.\n\nWhat does it do? Some of your thoughts and senses can be turned into understandable binary, and vice versa. This, in turn, allows you to interface with computers (commonly called ''Cyberspace''), learn skills on-the-fly (see ''Floppies'' for more), and much much more.\n\nAfter simple mods such as arm PDAs and watches, Datajacks are the most common civilian mod in existence.\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Cyberspace">>''Cyberspace''\nWith the release of the datajack, power-users become able to manipulate computer systems with little more than their head. The process is, however, unintuitive and cumbersome for most people. Software companies experiment with bridging the user and the computer, and as a result give rise to the cyberspace used today.\n\nCyberspace is a visual-auditive-tactile experience (quality depending on the access point), a virtual reality environment that serves as both protocol and content.\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Floppies">>''Floppies''\nA.K.A. I-know-Kung-Fu's, WHOA disks, skill mills, pre-packs.\n\nFloppies are small devices that can be plugged into datajacks (any number from 0 to many, depending on the floppy and datajack in particular) to grant the user a skill, ability, or tool.\n\nAlthough expensive (and usually DRM-ladden) and limited in quality (you can easily buy a McDojo-quality Martial Arts pre-pack, good luck finding a Bruce Lee one), they are a popular tool for executives and other white glove people seeking easy access to a skillset.\n\nAlthough floppies provide you with skills ready-to-use, they do so without teaching you. No matter how often you use the Martial Arts floppy, you will gain no knowledge on Taekwondo. You're on "auto-pilot" while executing the moves, and gain no muscle-reflex or insight.\n\nIn general, they confer either a skill (e.g. Veterinarian, Dancing (Salsa)), which supercedes your existing level of expertise (if any), or a bonus to a skill/situation (e.g. 25% faster Hacking, +1 to all tasks on IBM computers).\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Grafts and Augmentations">>''Grafts and Augmentations''\nPDAs, armoured skin, biohazard sensors, a back-up spine... These are many and plentiful. Some require a datajack to install, others don't.\n<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Cyberlimbs">>''Cyberlimbs''\nLost an arm? Wish you could see in the dark? Have a fetish for hair that changes colours on a whim? We've got you covered!\n<<endreplace>>\n<<endreplace>>
----\n» [[Home|TrueStart]] » [[Campaign: Les Enfants Terribles|3KidsIntro]]\n----\nUnisystem (AFMBE) Campaign, running the All Tomorrow's Zombies ruleset, without the Zombies.\n\n''Latest Update:''\n> There are no characters in this game.\n> There are 3 players in this game.\n\n''Topics & Backlog:''\n> [[Character Creation, Backstory|3KidsCharCreation]]\n
----\n» [[Back|Introduction]]\n----\n\n>> October 7, 2013\n* Initial Release.\n* Page Home>>Claire added.\n* Page Home>>Cybernetics added.\n* Page Home>>3KidsIntro added.\n* Page Home>>3Kids>>CharCreation added.
Welcome to AfterCLAIRE, a sort-of-cyberpunk campaign world set on our very own Earth.\n\n[[Press here to Begin|TrueStart]]\n\nThe campaign setting is still under development, so all information herein is subject to change and expansion. Players will be notified after every update (and provided with a changelog).\n\nNote that while I strive for a superficial level of realism, this campaign setting ''will'' require some suspension of disbelief. This is not meant to be hard sci-fi. Yes, I know the Indo-Pakistani nuclear war is a genre trope, I also happen to like it.\n\nThat said, feel free to send suggestions, nitpicks, and ideas to guillemmsalvador@gmail.com.\n\nCurrent Version: October 7, 2013.
<<display 'Introduction'>>
----\n» [[Home|TrueStart]] » [[CLAIRE|CLAIRE]]\n----\n\n<<replace "TL;DR">>Shit sucks, computers are not to be trusted, nukes nukes nukes, let's all get guns.\n<<endreplace>>\n\nAt 9:50AM G.M.T., on the 10th of May 2010, a devastating [[C&C|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_and_control]] virus was released into the Internet by an unkown agent. This virus, CLAIRE, exploited a hitherto unknown vulnerability common to nearly all kernel designs of the time--it could seize control of any system it contacted. In practice this meant every system, save a very select few (like nuclear silos, and other non-networked computers).\n\n<<replace "Event Timeline">>A brief timeline from release to disappearance is as follows:\n* ''09:50:00'' Originating IPs from the U.S., Ireland, India, and Japan propagate CLAIRE into their networks.\n* ''09:56:00'' All countries connected to the Internet have been infected.\n* ''09:57:14'' A U.S. marine stationed in Iraq is playing World of Warcraft on the Internet while also connected to [[NIPRNet|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIPRNet]]. Pvt. Jonathan Grimes becomes the vector into the U.S. military's systems.\n* ''09:57:30'' Most other world governments have had all their networks fully infected.\n* ''09:59:40'' [[SIPRNet|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIPRNet]] breached, along with all remaining systems operated by the U.S. government.\n* ''10:02:26'' If it's connected to the internet, it's CLAIRE's.\n* ''10:02:27'' <<replace "Slaves turn against their makers.">>CLAIRE detonates, fires, or triggers all weapons and explosives under its control, crippling the world's Navies and Airforces.<<endreplace>>\n* ''10:02:27'' <<replace "Fire rains from the sky.">> Simultaneously, it redirects most satellites into collision courses with each other. Within 5 minutes, most of Earth's orbit is undergoing a full-blown [[Kessler Syndrome|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome]]. The I.S.S. crashes into a G.P.S. satellite, none of the crew survives for long.<<endreplace>>\n* ''10:02:27'' <<replace "The world drowns.">>CLAIRE opens all dams under its control while jamming the turbines, resulting in the rupture of five major dams (Two in the U.S., one in Canada, one in Egypt, and one in China), and countless smaller ones. Widespread flooding follows.<<endreplace>>\n* ''10:03:00'' CLAIRE erases itself from all systems, along with wiping their hard drives and control systems. The world's electricity grid peters out as a direct result.<<endreplace>>\n<<replace "Immediate Consequences">>Most of the world spends the next hour looking at the skies, wondering why there's shooting stars during the daytime, and their lights doesn't work.\n\nIn the first week countless events happen, here's a taste:\n* Population areas near affected dams wake up to the sound of rushing water and the devastation of their towns.\n* Many oil rigs suffer from blowouts due to their now-gone control systems, adding to the total impact.\n* Most countries' emergency countermeasures are overwhelmed by the amount of work to do. Thousands die in the floods and in the following days, from lack of food and electricity, as the worlds' infrastructure is put to the limit.\n* Widespread looting and rioting afflicts most countries, curfews and the martial law become effective tools to curb this problem.\n* North Korea, spared from any impact due to its lack of direct Internet, bombards Seoul and ends the cease-fire with South Korea one day after CLAIRE. The allied forces are in disarray, and fall back to the 1950's pre-intervention positions.\n* The Indian government launches a pre-emptive nuclear attack against Pakistan, thinking this was the country's first move. Pakistan retaliates, and an all-out war breaks out.<<endreplace>>\n<<replace "Aftermath">>\nA very abbreviated (or we'll spend one hour here) 1-year frame aftermath is as follows:\n* No G.P.S. network, and no capability to launch objects into space for the foreseeable future. The Space Age is over.\n* No Satellite TV, Cable wins the fight.\n* North Korea is disowned by China. The U.S. uses the Korean conflict to divert the public's attention from how shitty things are, crushes Best Korea in matter of weeks. The Chinese government is too overworked to deal with North Korean refugees, adopts a shoot-on-sight policy at the border. Korea is officially unified two months after CLAIRE.\n* Most of Pakistan has been made uninhabitable by radiation, while approximately 20% of India is lost (Kashmir is now bordered on two sides by a nuclear wasteland, and China has taken over the entire area's administration).\n* From residual snippets of source code, the name of the virus, and the vulnerability it exploits, is learnt.\n* All countries accuse each other of being responsible for CLAIRE, much gnashing of teeth ensues.\n* Fixing the vulnerability cannot be accomplished quickly, and an arms race starts amongst governments to both patch the vulnerability and exploit it.\n* The United States decides that enough's enough, severs all of its Tier-1 oceanic network cables, as well as the southern ones, effectively cutting itself off the World's Net. Most other continents follow suit. The Internet first fragments into continental-based nets for a few months, then country-based ones.\n* The voting public, largely not cool hip computerites, takes a tough-on-internet stance, resulting in widespread monitoring of all traffic. [[Net Neutrality|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_neutrality]] ends shortly thereafter.\n* Intercontinental networking is reduced to a minute, heavily-monitored trickle, to be used for financial data and government business, resembling a telegraph more than a network.\n\nIn a more abstract way, two pivotal social changes take place:\n# Mistrust of computers not directly controlled by humans. Research in human-computer interfacing is fuelled by both public and private demand to unprecented levels.\n# Mistrust of the governments and militaries' ability to keep their shit together. Private security companies boom, with neighbourhoods contracting their own private police, and corporations assembling private armies.<<endreplace>>
----\n» [[Home|TrueStart]]\n----\nThe year is ''2030 C.E.'', 20 years after [[CLAIRE|CLAIRE]].\n\nThis world's timeline split from our own on <<replace "September 21st 2005.">>''September 21st 2005'' when Guan Jié, a high-ranking Chinese magistrate residing in Beijing, took a call while driving on his morning commute. Distracted by his wife yelling at him on the earpiece, he didn't notice the truck turning left in front of him. It took an hour and 5 firefighters to recover the body from the wreckage.\n\nMr. Guan was head of the P.R.C.'s cyberwarfare regulatory committee, a believer in keeping the P.R.C.'s operations low-key and not giving carte blanche to the state's hackers.\n\nHis replacement, Dr. Wang Zhihi, took things in a very different direction.<<endreplace>>\n\n''Topics:''\n> [[Campaign: Les Enfants Terribles|3KidsIntro]]\n> [[Cybernetics: A Primer|CyberneticsIntro]]\n
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----\n» [[Home|TrueStart]] » [[Campaign: Les Enfants Terribles|3KidsIntro]] » [[Character Creation, Backstory|3KidsCharCreation]]\n----\n\nThe campaign starts in a small island somewhere in the [[South China Sea|http://bit.ly/1dS5KBO]].\n\n<<replace "Your Past">>''Your Past:''\n* At the ages of 5-7, your characters were sold, abducted, given, adopted or taken by a Chinese Corporation, Jian Corp.\n* The farther away that your character's original homeland is from this sea, the more likely that you were either abducted for something your parent(s) did, kidnapped while on a vacation, willfully given...\n* The closer your character's original homeland is from this sea, the more likely that you were abandoned, sold, abducted...\n* Your background can be as rich or poor as you desire, you have nothing left except what you may have learnt during your early childhood (a poor subsaharan kid may have some knowledge of surviving in a desert and rudimentary hunting skills, while a poor urban kid may know how to shim a simple lock and the basics of computer use). You vaguely remember your family, if you had one, and don't have a desire to go back to them.\n* You may have small cybernetics, like a datajack, or a watch, if you can justify it background-wise.\n* On that note, cybernetics don't make you go crazy (well, some do, but nothing short of brain-in-a-can stuff will), but people with cybernetics tend to be crazier than the norm. People that heavily mod themselves tend to be the kinds predisposed to developing mental issues (poor social skills, drug abuse), already have mental issues (body identity dysphoria), or develop them due to their professions (PTSD, depression. Essentially, "cyberpsychosis" is the public perception of a self-selection bias.<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "The Present">>''The Present:''\n* You're all kids of age 11, the oldest in the group of 26 kids currently here.\n* You have been experimented on throughout your stay, mostly by being injected with god-knows-what then monitored at the island's hospital for weeks. You've lost many friends over the years to fun things like Melting Brain Syndrome, Oh God I'm Bleeding From My Eyes-itis, or the ever-popular My Bones Are Now Made Out Of Cancer-oma.\n* Since roughly three years ago, you've been given a capsule to ingest daily. The doctors call them "your vitamins". What you know for sure is that if you don't take them for a day or two you start feeling nauseous, drowsy, and sick.\n* When you're not hospitalized, they let you wander the section of the island where you reside, a smaller islet connected to the main island by a long artificial road. There's a forest, beaches, and a library of books to read. Also, plenty of armed soldiers babysitting you.\n* The soldiers treat you like little conscripts. You make your beds, you clean every inch of your housing every day, you go on running drills (unless you can sneak off or fake being indisposed). All communal tasks (cooking, water-bearing, laundry, etc) are split amongst you. It keeps you busy.\n* Also, depending on your temperament (and how good of a suck-up you are), some may have taken a liking to you and taught you whatever they think is interesting--survival skills, pop culture, how to tie knots...<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "The Future"">>''The Future:''\n* Your main preoccupation for the last month or so has been how to escape. It hit you that no kid stays around for long after turning 12, either they're taken elsewhere or "disposed" of... And you're turning 12 this year. Shit.\n* You've been stashing your "vitamins" every other day for the past month, and have stockpiled a two-week supply. It hasn't been fun.<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Misc and Homework">>''Misc:''\n* The date we're starting the campaign on is ''January 18th 2030'', your birthdates must be between January 19th 2019 and December 31st 2019.\n* Assume that most countries are close enough to their current state. Some exceptions are the now-unified Korea, the toxic wasteland formerly known as Pakistan, and the now federal European Union.\n* You're allowed, encouraged, to discuss character creation with each other. Try not to create incompatible or redundant characters, //unless// you think it'll be fun to roleplay/play out.\n* Your characters have banded together through most of your captivity. You're close friends, although you may not agree on everything.\n* Feel free to have character conflict, but make it constructive--do not let it take over the characters or define every interaction they have.\n* Your character can be as mature or childish as you wish, mentally and sexually, but don't let it become an unnecessary source of conflict with the rest of the players.\n* No ERPing (Erotic roleplaying) at my table. If for some reason you end up in that kind of situation, a rapid fade-to-black will ensue.\n* If you want your character to have been sexually abused or be an abuser, before or after you changed hands, that's your prerogative. Discuss it with other players to make sure they're comfortable with it.\n\n''Your Questions:''\n* What was your character's enviroment like, growing up?\n* Why and how did you end up in Jiang's hands?\n* What are your character's main interests, likes, dislikes, personality, ethnicity, religion, culture...?\n* Does your character stand out, or blend in? Why?\n* What 3+ events (other than coming to the island) have shaped your character's psyche significantly? Did they lose a loved one, fly a kite made out of rubbish, get betrayed by a figure of authority...\n* Etc.\nYou don't need to tell me any of this stuff (but it helps), just give it a thought, so you have an inkling of how your character lives and breathes. You don't even need to answer the specific questions above, just think about who they are.\nYou don't need to worry about system-specific skills, qualities, and stats until we meet to make characters.<<endreplace>>
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